About Us
Connecting the Hearts of People to Christ so he can Guide Them to the Spring of the living Water.

The Rivers Church, is a community and worldwide ministry that believes in Jesus, loves God and has a heart for authentic worship and seeing families grow together and be empowered spiritually. We are passionate about the local church Fulfilling its purpose on the earth.
Our mission is to change lives by using the most effective means to win as many souls as possible for Jesus Christ and develop them in christian living and spiritual maturity - empowering them to Learn about Christ, Learn about Life, Learn about Giving, and Learn about Walking in the Super
Natural, position them to make a greater kingdom impact.
Reach the Lost, Teach, Train, and God will Promote His people in the super natural
The vision of Rivers Church is to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding so that it may be applied to our everyday lives in a practical and effective manner. Changing our immediate world and all those whom we come in contact with. Ultimately making a mark that can not be erased.
Living Everyday with a purpose driving ministry and a vision to fulfill God's plan to impact the world. No matter what stage of life your in whether a new believer or mature Christian, the Rivers Church provides a place to learn and have an abuduant life through the power of Jesus Christ.